Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moving out

As of Tuesday 19th May, we no longer have a home.

The 18th was really moving day. We packed everything up and put it in a storage room in Brookvale. Dee came down from Queensland, Dad and Karlos were there to help, and Karl even brought Toby for another pair of strong arms for the day!

The house sold in a flash. We listed it early in the week (early April), and before the weekend they had brought through four prospective buyers, three of whom were very keen (one of them ended up being the buyer). The agent had listed the property as "Offers over $690k", not really knowing exactly what kind of response we would get.

On Open House day we had 28 sets of people through the property. Among them were at least 6-8 serious buyers. The agent decided to call for everyone's "best offer", with no second chance to review it afterwards... We got $711k, $710k, $701k, $690 and others. We took the highest bid.

We had taken the agent's advice and put a lot of our stuff in storage already. This included lots of toys, a desk, a tall-boy, various lumpy furniture. It was using about 1/3 of our storage room. We weren't sure if the room would quite fit everything else.

On moving day we turned up in Brookvale with the truck and could see immediately that there was no way to fit it all in. Kennards arranged another space, twice the size, on the spot. There was a special on, so it ended up only costing a little more.

Karl was in charge of Tetris - packing the stuff as tightly as it will go. We were using the space between the exposed rafters! After the first truck-load, the word got around camp that the rest of the stuff was not going to fit. Karl suggested that I pray about it. I did. It fit.

When we returned home for the last "bits and pieces" - the television unit and a couple of odd bits, we discovered that there were about 8-10 boxes, all the gardening tools, half the trampoline, a desk... there was no way it was going to fit! When Dee saw the store room she also knew there was simply no way. Somewhat worried about it I nevertheless took Leisa's advice, which was, "Why don't you do what you did last time?". I did. It fit.

We took two push bikes up to Elliott Street at Karl's suggestion. Notwithstanding God's ability to do so, and the temptation to just make it work, we nevertheless decided that the bikes and other items could get damaged if we did what was necessary to put them into the store room. It is written, "Do not test the Lord your God".

The room is 42 cubit metres. Our stuff is about 41.3 cubic metres, I reckon. When we get it moved to QLD it will be amusing to tell the removalists that it fits in 42 cubic metres and see how much space they use to pack it in their truck!

Our moving-day ended at 1:00am (Dee and I did the last load and returned the truck). We stayed at Dianne's unit.

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